Robert McArthur


My name is Robert McArthur, and I live in Norman, Oklahoma where I am a medical doctor.

I travel with Global Missions Project for three big reasons:

  1. I really enjoy making music.

  2. I really enjoying using music to connect people to God and Jesus Christ and helping them gain a better understanding of the Christian perspective on life.

  3. I really enjoy learning about people in other parts of the world and about their cultures.

robert mcarthur

I gave my life to Jesus Christ as a young child but I have experienced progressive growth in my understanding of God and Jesus Christ.

From a God I feared to now understanding that God is the essence of Love and Beauty, including music and art.

Being a Christian unifies my understanding of life by reestablishing my personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ, and by helping me understand my purpose for living.

robert mcarthur

When I came to believe in a God who deeply loves me, I realized I no longer had to live with anxiety, worry, and fear because God has a perfect plan for my life. I do not have to live feeling guilty or ashamed, because God offers forgiveness through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Tamara Daniels


Kristy Rispens